
Tag: family

Introducing ashawayroo

ashawayroo was feeling a bit left out especially since he had been under the weather with a case of blurry vision, the sad result of a bobbing for apples accident.  He’s recovered now thanks to the faerie at the Healing Springs in Faerieland.  Here he is at home surrounded by some of his favorite books, holding his favorite and hard-won plushies!

Roosphoenix has met the challenge, champagne all round!

Yes, today roosphoenix has managed to get her bank account over the 1,000,000 NP mark!  And yesterday she attained level 30 and now is a diamond voyager!  Here she is all dressed for trick or treating and proudly displaying her School of Adventure Badge.  Below is a recent snap of roosphoenix in her garden, all decorated for Halloween. Alas her back was to the camera.

Junior, same day, different angle

Junior, just after he entered the fold